There are several networked disk storage options available to students, faculty, and staff:
SENS home directories are automatically created when SENS accounts are created. Each SENS user gets 500 MB of disk space, directly accessible from any SENS-supported computer system. This space is backed up regularly, as per our backup policy. Please follow the link at the start of this paragraph for more information on how to access your home directory space.
Myfiles is your personal storage space in the central UBfs file system. Follow the link at the start of this paragraph for more information.
If students in a particular course are going to need storage space beyond what their home directories provide, class directories may be requested by instructors. Please contact us for more information on this service.
Storage can be provisioned on the central SAN for research, departmental, or individual faculty needs. Please contact us for more information on this service.
Project Lockbox provisions 2 GB of networked disk space allocated for faculty needs. While intended primarily for backing up data stored on personal computers, it can be used for any purpose. The link at the start of this paragraph contains more information on requesting and using Project Lockbox space.